There were times that whole day went by, and I did not even notice my breathing, yet sometimes when I was fully alert, every cells of my body will respond to the breath, especially between inhale and exhale. I often wonder why?
The same is true with the sound, one morning while I was sitting there meditating, suddenly this chirping sound from a bird entered me, and my whole body responded as if I knew that bird.
Existence is everywhere and nowhere, it depends on our reception. So close your eyes now, and breathe.
If you inhale properly, everything that is worth knowing is right here. You can inhale a Buddha, a Patanjali, or a Jesus right now, because they also breathed the same air. If you do it with full awareness, everything in existence is a way to your enlightenment. Every atom in existence is a doorway to your ultimate nature. Which one you use is your choice. If you are willing to give yourself to it, you could liberate yourself by eating an apple.- Sadhguru