"Spirituality means to put your evolutionary process on fast forward"- Sadhguru
When I read today's quote from Sadhguru, I cannot help but bow down my head and let the tears flowed. In late 2012, beginning of 2013, The storm of life was hitting me hard, it was like everything I owned, everything I thought was me, was drifting away. I was losing the situations, I was losing the last bit of control that I thought I had. Even breathe was leaving me by the moment.
So I did what anyone one could have done. I yelled out to Sadhguru, save me Sadhguru!! One day while I was doing my practice, this awareness arose, "I have fast forwarded your life, anything is about to happen, let it happen in this life time. If this is too much for you, I can slow it down." What a sweet pleasant surprise from Sadhguru.
The storm went on for another 6 months, many times I was still struggling, trying to get control of the situations, but it failed every time- until I completely surrendered. No more self control, simply let go.
Today, looking back at this perfect storm. I am so grateful for Sadhguru. Together, we did it. Transformation takes life, life takes transformation. Be glad that hardships is looming in the horizon!! Remember, Sadhguru is watching!!