Monday, September 16, 2013

circles of compulsion

Yesterday at monthly Sathsang, Sadhguru talked about circles of compulsion, that is, we think we are in control of life, in reality, we are not, we only think we are. We only react to situations, we have been so busy catching up, busy circling and we think we are ahead, not only ahead, we want to conserve what we have accomplished.

Looking back my life, how truthful what Sadhguru had said. Until I met Sadhguru, I thought I was ahead, in control of my life.I was doing pretty well, making a good career and financial portfolio, I should be happy but I was not. After busy working for last 25 years, I honestly don't remember much of what I have done, not even last week. I do know that I have been very busy, so busy that I hardly took any time off, so busy that I did not see my kids growing up in front of my eyes. How come?

Until we transcend our awareness beyond this body and mind, we will always struggle in the circles of compulsion, always working and waiting for next moment to happen- that's why we are always behind, like dog chasing its tails, you'll never make it.

Please don't make the same mistake that I've made, meditate and do the practice every day, Sadhguru is here and now to help- if we are willing.

"Work is an expression of who you are, so who you are needs to be worked at"- Sadhguru

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