Saturday, September 28, 2013

sathsang with sadhguru- part 2

One more thing that Sadhguru mentioned, was that each one of us owns a storage warehouse, called "House of Karma". In order to obtain liberation, this karma warehouse needs to be cleaned up. It may take 2 life time, or maybe 200 life time, depending on individual conditions.

As we began the spiritual process (union with Existence), Existence begins to clean house, further you advanced, faster this happened. So next time if you experienced a lot of things that are happening towards you, be happy because Existence is trying to do its job-clean house- as soon as possible.(see previous posting, freedom from this world, Aug 20, are you tired? Aug 31)

Other than daily practices that Sadhguru has instructed us. There are two very simple Sadhana that we need to do every day. Instructions as follows:

1) pick one of the 5 mantras that listed on this Sounds of Isha Album, Vairagya
minimum 25 minutes a day, sing or play this mantra in the background, so your energy reverberates with Existence

2) Consciously tell yourself, I am not the job, I am not (name), I am not the thoughts, I am not the body... through out the day. Be conscious about everything you do.

These two Sadhana are important for the ultimate liberation. It is even better to take one weekend out of a month to do a two day sadhana.

"If your goal is ultimate liberation, every breath, every step, every beat of your heart should become conscious"- Sadhguru