Sunday, October 27, 2013

stillness and intelligence

"when your mind becomes still, your intelligence explodes" - Sadhguru

Sadhguru often said that the possibility is there except you are in the way. He meant your mind is a barrier to the possibility. We like to be logical, we like to draw boundaries around us for security, for conservation. Looking back in my own case, it is very true indeed. I'd like to be spiritual, only if it meets my terms first. This will not do.

As Existence gradually takes layers and layers of  "me" away, I noticed that there is a certain distance between me and my thoughts. As my mind becomes calmer, my ability to respond is so much greater. I used to get irritated and stressed out easily, but now, I can handle much more work in such a short time. Everything becomes so transparent, very easy to comprehend. Work results are much more satisfactory.

Take a look at my blog for example, I am amazed at all those things that I've been written, first of all I don't know how to write, secondly, most contents apparently came from somewhere, definitely not from me for example.

If you are willing to diminish yourself and be still, the possibility is unlimited.

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