Tuesday, August 20, 2013

freedom from this world

Are you always very disciplined? always planned ahead and trying to control the outcome of the things that you care most? Like doing sadhana everyday to the minute per schedule? Managing the kids to go to the best school and getting straight "A"s if you can help? working on your retirement plan so that you can retire at 65 and have an easy old age?
Well, nothing is wrong to be successful in this world, but if I tell you Existence has a plan for you which is  very different from your own, what would you say? Would you disagree? or Would you get scared?
Last year, first time in my life, I experienced the feeling of "no control", I mean comes to a point where I actually admitted that there really is nothing I can do to settle the situations that I was in. Every thing I own or I think I used to own, left me piece by piece before my eyes. One night I sat there, even breathing is leaving me. I asked Sadhguru what's happened to me, what will happen to me? The answer came " I have fast forwarded your life, so whatever should happen, let it happen in this life time" "If it is too much for you, I can slow it down". I cried and cried and said "it is ok Sadhguru, I can take it"
Today, after giving it all up what was important to me, I have a new life, a life that Existence has planned for me. I no longer have desire to own anything in this world, but Existence provides more bountifully, not according to my plan, but it is better. 

Are you willing to let everything go and take a ride? If you are willing, you are in for a most wonderful ride of your life time.

"The door that used to close on you is the same door that opens up the possibilities for you"- Sadhguru

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