Saturday, August 3, 2013

tree of life

sometimes I looked into the mirror, and surprise to see the person in the mirror isn't really me, do you ever have that feeling? sometimes we traced back to the events, and realized what a silly thought I used to have, did it ever happen to you? Because we are constantly changing physically, and there is only one thing that has never changed in our life, what is it?
studying and reading self help books can be fascinating, seven steps to enlightenment, 6 ways to happiness, 10 principles to success. Have you seen this? All these books are written by popular philosophers  and writers, we all have benefited from it,  or have we? What experience have we had thru these helps?
yesterday at the park, while I was smelling the fragrance of the flowers, watching the plants reaching out to the sky. Suddenly I had the urge to do the same. I closed my eyes, hands reaching up, and simultaneously all the cells in the body opened up, I became one just like the flowers around me, totally immersed in the space. I realized this must be how it feels to be a tree. It was a beautiful experience, several times a day I'd experience that, which brings stillness from within.

"I am not interested in you seeking God, I am interested in you becoming God like"- Sadhguru


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